Hi, I'm Taylor May.

Hi, I'm Taylor May.
"Give me a chance to prove I am the one who can walk that mile until the end starts."

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Who Am I?

I had to write an essay about who I am as a writer, and this is draft one of that.
Let me know what you think!
<3 TayMay.
Hi, I’m Taylor May, I’m a Writer and I’m Going to Tell You Who I Am as a Writer; Synonymical With Nerd

I’ve always been fascinated by words, and the feelings that can lie behind them. I love that words can be manipulated and tamed into free flowing, thought provoking, and possibly world altering ideas that can spark something so fantastic, that the whole world takes notice.
In other words, I’m a nerd. A huge one. I didn’t realize truly how amazing writing was until I read through some of the work of my late grandmother. Her words are so powerful, and so meaningful, and so amazing, that it inspired me to try it out for myself. I’ve been writing terrible poems since about seventh grade, using it as a way to vent all my prepubescent “deep” thoughts. I rarely if ever showed these to anyone, until sophomore year when I was told about the LitMag. I reluctantly submitted my work, which looking back on it, I can’t believe any of it got in. However, it did, and it was after this that I started honing my skill every day of the second semester in the composium, editing poems and essays with Mr. Cepress.
I realized then that you can write essays outside of school assignments, poems don’t have to rhyme, raw feelings are the best kind, poems can have drafts, and there is absolutely no shame in only having one useable line after drafting that poem a dozen or more times.
But, who am I as a writer? I write because I’m a coward. Because it’s easier to write something down and say it doesn’t mean anything, than it is to say it out loud knowing it means everything. I write because it comes easier to me than sports. I write because I think metaphors are the coolest ever. I write because I love how a word can mean different things to different people, and I write because those feelings, meanings, and overall perspectives should be shared.

As a writer, I feel my biggest strength is finding inspiration in literally everything. Writing has helped me to open my eyes and actually see things around me that I never would have before. The world is really a beautiful thing when eyes are open and mouths are shut, I’ve come to find. But those mouths can’t stay shut, and that’s where writing is pretty handy.
But not every poem has come easily to me. As I said, there are times when I have more drafts than I ever imagined before something is any good. It may be because of this, and my want to be respected as a writer, that I constantly beat myself up about my ability. I want to get better, and I know this will only come through practice. But, this practice time comes with getting stuck on things; examples of this would be not being able to find the perfect metaphor to describe a feeling, or word something the way I want to.
All in all, though, it’s hard for me to answer “who are you as a writer?” because the answer lies in the question. I just am a writer. Which, as I’m sure you all know, is a word synonymical with nerd.

Thanks for reading this far! Haha follow @Maylor_Tay on twitter if you want. Love love. :) <3

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