Hi, I'm Taylor May.

Hi, I'm Taylor May.
"Give me a chance to prove I am the one who can walk that mile until the end starts."

Monday, January 28, 2013

It's Been Too Long + "Mostly Normal"

Hey guys! It's been way too long, I got crazy busy with work and school and stuff. I've been looking for scholarships like crazy, and I found one for cancer kids/people affected by cancer in my state! Here's my essay; would you give me money? ;P Tell me what you think!!


Mostly Normal
There is no real way to start this that isn’t a cliche. I could say, “you never think it’ll be you,” I could say, “on that day my life was forever changed,” but that’s not my story. Those stories have their place, but that isn’t mine.
It is true that now one plans for cancer. Two days after my fifteenth birthday, leukemia was the last thing they wanted to test my blood work for. After it was determined that it was either acute lymphocytic leukemia or chronic myelogenous leukemia, I was sent to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. (Needless to say, my birthday party? Totally canceled.)
After spending a week in the hospital, we found out that it was, in fact, CML in the chronic phase, and I knew more about how my body works (and doesn’t work) than the average freshman. I remember Christmas that followed it very clearly- two days after coming home, feeling mostly normal, my family all around- but there was something different. I was sick.
Being sick, to me, means something different than most kids with cancer. I have to take pills for the rest of my life, and the side effects are pretty nasty. I get migraines, fatigue, bone and joint pain, and other things that make my day to day life rather difficult at times. I never have had to undergo chemo radiation, because the pills work as a chemo agent. But if I ever were to get a bone marrow transplant, the only cure for my illness, I would have to kill all of my bone marrow with radiation first, which is when my body is most prone to an infection. Which could cause me my life.  Then, doctors would give me the marrow through an IV and I basically would cross my fingers. The transplant, like any transplant, could go wrong, or my body could reject it. This is a scary option, but luckily with my pills, it isn’t my only option.
Three years after my diagnosis, now going into my adult years, the days before it seem fuzzy and unreal. Even the family vacation the summer before doesn’t feel like it even happened- looking at pictures and thinking “before we knew” gives me a weird feeling. This illness has been part of my life for so long, it’s just kind of worked itself into my day to day life. When I explain CML to people, a lot of them ask me how I do it- go to school, go to work, be a normal member of society - and I always respond the same way. What do they expect me to do? Sit in my room and cry? No. I refuse to.
I want to further my education because of this reason. Through all of this, one of my goals has been not letting my illness define me. However, I would be lying if I said I’ve never felt the overwhelming weight the definition “chronic” can have. Sometimes even the thought of my fast approaching future suffocates and terrifies me- but I will not allow that to stop me from carrying out my life plans.
I plan on being an English teacher, for many reasons. One of them being that writing has always been an outlet for me, especially when it comes to expressing myself about my illness, but also just trying to communicate my ideas with people. I love that words can have different meanings to different people, and I feel like those meanings should be shared- which is another reason I want to teach. I also plan on being the teacher and role model that all of my teachers have been for me; I have never had a bad relationship with any of my teachers, and they have always inspired and supported me. I would love to be that to my students.

No one ever plans for cancer, or any other sort of curve ball that life or fate throws at us. But like so many others, my story will not stop at my diagnosis. My mostly normal life will go far beyond that day in December.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sometimes I Just Don't Know.

I feel like my life is turning into a bad country song.

I cut my hand on a soup can.
That cut got infected.
I have to take antibiotics because infections and the inability to create white blood cells? Not a good pair.
The antibiotics cause headaches.
I already get daily headaches (along with other things) from my medication I take for my CML.

Can I ever catch a break with this stuff? Honestly.

And I keep trying to smile through it but yesterday I just had to sleep all day instead. So I did.

Sometimes I just don't know. I feel like the reason behind everything that I've talked about in multiple blogs gets lost in all of the other things that I feel I worry about almost too much. Every single day I think about my future. And how terrifying it is. Every single day.

And I know that it's scary for everyone, but I feel especially terrified daily.

And then I get this feeling in my chest and my heart beats really fast and I want to write a blog so I usually do, and I try to always end it with some type of happy sentiment.

Today I was in the mall with one of my dear friends, and a weird kid who looked like a trouble maker told me "Nice glasses."
So there's that.

I love you all so much, thank you for your support. <3 I will try to keep you posted on things going on..if anything happens ever.

I love you.

Taylor May.

Maylor_Tay on twitter
tay_may on instagram

Friday, January 4, 2013

Finding Reason.

Semester final are coming up, and I am getting way too excited to graduate. I'm pretty sure it's on my mind 24/7 at this point in the game. I don't know how to keep myself motivated above C's anymore! It's a true problem.

But actually.

On another note, I should be getting my own laptop soon! which is super awesome, because then I can start my vlog. Something that got that idea restarted actually happened on tumblr.

A girl messaged me saying she was from Washington, and two of her friends were recently diagnosed with cancer. She said one was her very best friend, who was diagnosed with ALL. This breaks my heart, obviously. She was saying that the children themselves have come to terms with everything, but there are some rumors going around about them at school. She wanted to put a story in their school paper about children with cancer, and get rid of the misconceptions.

And she wanted to ask me some questions about my own cancer, and how it's affected me, because she asked the kids what blogs were good to do this and mine came up.

What? What? I was like...what? My tumblr? My blog? How? What? Me?

I calmed down a little bit, and tried to answer her questions as best as I could. I'm anxious to see how it turns out! But overall, I felt like this was an amazing example of everything happening for a reason. Cancer isn't a blessing by any means, but it has connected me to so many people, and opened up a lot of opportunities for me. And sure, there are things said about me too, most of which I don't hear- but people talk regardless of anything controllable by me or anyone else. I do my best not to let rumors get to me, because if I can make a difference one person's life, if I can make one person smile, I feel like I've done my job as a person not only with a chronic illness, but as a citizen of the world.

That got a little life-goal-yy but, still.

I love you. I hope you have a fantastic day, from the bottom of my heart.

Taylor May

tay_may on Instagram
Maylor_Tay on Twitter

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year.

I can't help but feel that this year won't be that much different than the last, but feel free to prove me wrong.

I chose UWMC.

Happy new year, I love you.

Taylor May