Hi, I'm Taylor May.

Hi, I'm Taylor May.
"Give me a chance to prove I am the one who can walk that mile until the end starts."

Friday, January 4, 2013

Finding Reason.

Semester final are coming up, and I am getting way too excited to graduate. I'm pretty sure it's on my mind 24/7 at this point in the game. I don't know how to keep myself motivated above C's anymore! It's a true problem.

But actually.

On another note, I should be getting my own laptop soon! which is super awesome, because then I can start my vlog. Something that got that idea restarted actually happened on tumblr.

A girl messaged me saying she was from Washington, and two of her friends were recently diagnosed with cancer. She said one was her very best friend, who was diagnosed with ALL. This breaks my heart, obviously. She was saying that the children themselves have come to terms with everything, but there are some rumors going around about them at school. She wanted to put a story in their school paper about children with cancer, and get rid of the misconceptions.

And she wanted to ask me some questions about my own cancer, and how it's affected me, because she asked the kids what blogs were good to do this and mine came up.

What? What? I was like...what? My tumblr? My blog? How? What? Me?

I calmed down a little bit, and tried to answer her questions as best as I could. I'm anxious to see how it turns out! But overall, I felt like this was an amazing example of everything happening for a reason. Cancer isn't a blessing by any means, but it has connected me to so many people, and opened up a lot of opportunities for me. And sure, there are things said about me too, most of which I don't hear- but people talk regardless of anything controllable by me or anyone else. I do my best not to let rumors get to me, because if I can make a difference one person's life, if I can make one person smile, I feel like I've done my job as a person not only with a chronic illness, but as a citizen of the world.

That got a little life-goal-yy but, still.

I love you. I hope you have a fantastic day, from the bottom of my heart.

Taylor May

tay_may on Instagram
Maylor_Tay on Twitter

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