Hi, I'm Taylor May.

Hi, I'm Taylor May.
"Give me a chance to prove I am the one who can walk that mile until the end starts."

Friday, August 31, 2012

Second Job Struggles.

I'm trying to get a second job, because I want more money.

That's simple enough, right?

Well, I figured it was, but today I actually went out to do what people call "job hunting." But I realized that trecking from store to store, awkwardly asking about applications and if they're hiring, is actually a lot of work.

I got home with at least five applications, and filled out one in store. When I sat down to actually fill them out, I got pretty annoyed. I know that it's all part of the territory, but I just hate having to try and put into words that this would be a second job. As in, an additional job for more hours.

But these people who gave me the applications didn't seem too thrilled. In fact, only one place was actually hiring, the rest were just like "oh well, here's an application, turn it in when you can."
This is so annoying to me, simply because the first job I ever applied for, I got. And I'm still there.

I wish someone would just be like "Hey, wanna work here? Don't worry about explaining your avalibility just yet, or that this will be a second job, or any references. Just here's some money."
I guess the world doesn't work that way.

I know this is the stupidest thing to complain about, because I'm lucky to have a job at all, but I'm just really starting to worry about college and other money related issues I'm going to have to face soon. I really want some type of secruity.

I suppose if all else fails I can beg for more hours at IGA. But I don't know if that's possible, considering all the new people we just hired.

I don't know, this would all be easier if I had someo sort of family member or friend that was like "hey, work here." But I don't.

So grr.

That's all I got folks, so uhh...here's the end of the post.

awkwardly signing off,
Taylor May.<3
Don't forget to follow me on twitter if you want! @Maylor_Tay. and Instagram: @tay_may.

1 comment:

  1. I understand how hard it is to get a job, Taylor. Recently I have been working with an organization that helps special people like myself get jobs and so far I am sill unemployed. I feel for you Taylor, but you have plenty of experience. You will for sure find a new job.
