Hi, I'm Taylor May.

Hi, I'm Taylor May.
"Give me a chance to prove I am the one who can walk that mile until the end starts."

Sunday, December 2, 2012

"World Peace."

I remember when I was a little girl, and my godfather was fighting in Iraq, and on my christmas list, the first thing I put was "George to come home," and "world peace."

Even at a young age, I was obsessed with everyone loving one another and getting along. But as I get older, I realize that this is next to impossible. Everything I learn in school, and see on the news, shows me that ignorance and intolerance plauges every country in the world. There is absolutely nothing that can take these things away.

I don't understand why people can't look at this world and realize that, obviously, things aren't working. There is so much hate and killing, and poverty, and I lose sleep at night thinking about all of it. I'm overwhelmed by it.

Imagine how amazing the world would be if people put their energies toward good, all the time, every day. I know that there are some poeple who already do this, and groups who are making a difference in America and elsewhere, and I have so much hope and love for these groups. I wish I could do what they do.

But I think what amazes me the most is the apathy that we show as a country toward other countries problems. I just got done watching an hour long video on the attacks in Mumbai, India in 2008. That was a horrifying incident, but it's only one example of the horrible things happening in other places in the world. Every day, there are people murdered, sold into slavery, starving to death, persecuted, executed, with nothing. It makes me sick. But those things, for whatever reason, don't make the news. Instead all I see are pointless stories in the headlines, and supid puff-pieces on the morning news. What about human nature makes us so self centered like this? What is it that makes us so ignorant?

No, human nature does not make us ignorant. Ignorance and intolerance are rooted in hate, which is a learned practice. My children will not be taught hate. They will accept everyone, like family. No matter their race, sexual orientation, whatever.

This turned into a rant, but I guess what I'm trying to say is the only way world peace could ever tuly be possible is if we do something to change it. It could start small- the way we treat one another, for example. If we love, it can make a difference.

So please, I beg you, love one another.

Taylor May

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