Recently, YouTube posted a beautiful video showing love and support for the gay community, and those who use their site. Here's a link.
I think this is an amazing thing and I adore everyone who is in the video, and I just think it's beautiful.
I would also like to take this time to tell everyone I know who is homosexual how proud I am of them for staying who they are, and not hiding because of the stupid people in our world who tell them to. I love you no matter who you love. I can't imagine the way you feel, being attacked on a regular basis for something you can't change. Or how confusing it must have been for you to discover this part of you that a lot of people seem to dislike. But I will forever be an ally. I love you.
However, I know that there are people who do no share this view. What surprised me most me were the hateful comments people posted, and continue to post, on this video YouTube made.
This infuriates me, not only because I know that everyone should love each other, but because hate for homosexuals is absolutely absurd.
To everyone who thinks that those who love someone who is the same gender isn't equal, your ignorance is strange to me. This war you are fighting is a waste of time. Much needed changes are coming. When our children's children look in their history books, and there are facts about the changes for the gay community and their rights, they will not question why the changes were made. But rather, why the inequities were there in the first place.
I don't see how hatred because of sexual orientation is any different than hatred of race. I feel like everyone has a right to love, and have the same rights as everyone else. So once again, I beg you, love one another, no matter who they love.